Since its foundation, CMM’s partners have implemented a set of principles that constitute the company’s vision of the public sphere and the business of the clients it serves.
These principles are:
Rule of law and human rights
There is no pending issue more urgent than respect for the rights of all Mexicans, expeditious access to the protection of justice and permanent education in civics and compliance with the law.
Mexico has come a long way towards democracy, which must be always guaranteed through autonomous institutions, with a balance of powers, full operational capacity and professional career service. Democracy must be the political scaffolding to chart the country’s route for the benefit of the majority.
Free market and trade openness
Trade openness is one of the country’s comparative advantages and one of the elements that has allowed the growth of the middle class and the development of high value-added sectors. We maintain that Mexico must continue to open to new markets and always comply with the international commitments it has made.
The protection of an environment in which economic agents strive to offer the best goods and services, the proper use of public resources through competitive bidding, and the promotion of competition, have been and must continue to be one of the pillars of the country.
Transparency and accountability
Transparency and accountability are an essential requirement of a democratic society and the best antidote against corruption and impunity. They also allow for learning and improvement in the efficient use of resources.
We believe what we say, We say what we think, We do what we say. This consistency has allowed us to provide quality services to a wide range of players from both the private and public sectors and has been an essential characteristic of the firm to build consensus.
At CMM we are known for providing a close and personalized service to our clients. Each project is unique. We are committed to generating fresh and valuable ideas for your business objectives, as well as strengthening your institutional reputation.


Luis de la Calle
CEO and founding partner

Julio Madrazo
Founding Partner

Javier Mancera
Founding Partner